It is generally a good idea to have a professional install most software. If the software installation is not done correctly you could damage your operating system or some other components needed for your computer to operate smoothly. Some software may present a security risk if not installed properly or installed using incorrect settings.
If you are looking for software installations in Atlanta or any of it’s surrounding areas, Computer Doctor can help. Our technicians are A+ certified with several years experience in software installations.
Virus Protection $35.00
This is one of the most important software installations for computer users. There are viruses all over the internet. Virus protection is a must have to keep your computer healthy.(Critical Software Installation)
Operating Systems $75.00 – $150.00
The Operating System is the primary software needed for computer functionality. You cannot do anything without an Operating System. They provide an environment for every other software to work. The operating systems that are provided by Computer Doctor are Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.(Vital Software Installation)
Driver Installation $50.00 – $70.00
Drivers are what give functionality to your computer. If you have a problem with your sound, internet connection, monitor display, modem or any hardware that you have connected to your computer (e.i printer or webcam) there is a good chance that you have an issue with a drive(Critical Software Installation)
Other Software
Computer Doctor offers a variety of other software installations. Give us a call to find out if we offer what you need.(Preferable Software Installation)