Hardware Installs

Call us today for a Hardware Installation

Drivers are instructions to your computer to tell it how to use the hardware. A missing or wrong driver is the most common issue when it comes to hardware installations. Drivers can also be corrupted due to viruses. Our Virus and Spyware removal service can get rid of the virus and restore your drivers back to normal. If you are having other problems with a drive check out our Software Installations page. We can fix it.

Most hardware will come preconfigured from the manufacturer. However there are some situations when you will have to do some sort of configuring. For instance, the purchase of a new hard drive will require some configuration. If it is a IDE drive you have to determine whether it needs to be set at master, slave or cable select. The drive will also have to be formatted in preparation for a new operating system.

Hardware installations can be tricky. You have to make sure that the hardware is compatible to your system, it’s configured correctly and that the proper drivers are installed.

Hardware changes should be done by a trained professional

  • Selecting the proper hardware
  • Configuring your new hardware
  • Connecting the correct wires and cables

If you are considering replacing damaged parts or computer upgrades be sure to select the right parts for your computer. We recommend these changes be made by a professional. Computer Doctor is your one stop shop for all repairs and upgrades.